202.6 Home Occupations
The following regulations governing said home occupations shall be complied with:
1. The home occupation must be registered with the Township
2. Home occupations shall be conducted solely by persons residing in the residence. No person not residing in the residence may be employed on-site in the home occupation.
3. All activities associated with the home occupation, including storage, must be conducted solely within structures.
4. There shall be no alteration to the exterior of the residential dwelling, accessory structure or yard that in any way alters the residential character of the premises.
5. No exterior sign, display or device, advertising the occupation.
6. The home occupation shall not produce any light, glare, noise or vibration perceptible beyond the boundaries of the property which is not customarily associated with residential use.
7. The occupation shall not involve the retail sale or rental of products on the premises.
8. Unless completely enclosed within an approved structure, no vehicle used in the conduct of the occupation shall be parked, stored or otherwise present at the premises, other than such as is customarily used for domestic or household purposes.
9. No deliveries associated with the home occupation may be made in commercial vehicles over five ton single axel capacity.
10. Only on-site off-street parking facilities typically associated with the residence shall be used.
11. The conduct of an occupation or the use of substances that may be hazardous to or in any way jeopardize the health, safety or welfare of neighbors and neighboring property shall not be permitted.
12. The home occupation must be operated in compliance with all other applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and ordinances.